What to Grow:
Cool-season vegetables:
![]() |
Brussels Sprout |
- Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
- Carrots
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Lettuce
- Radishes
- Rutabaga
- Spinach
- Broad Beans
- Asparagus
- Peas
- Garlic
- Onions, Spring onions & Shallots
- Winter Lettuces
- Spinach
- Spring cabbage
When to Plant:
Good to Know: Estimated Frost Dates by Zone
Zone 3 - Sept 1st - 30th
Zone 4 - Sept 1st - 30th
Zone 5 - Sept 30th - Oct 30th
Zone 6 - Sept 30th - Oct 30th
Zone 7 - Oct 15th - Nov 15th
Zone 8 - Oct 30th - Nov 30th
Zone 9 - Nov 30th - Dec 30th
Zone 10 - Nov 30th - Dec 30th
Zone 11 - Frost Free
Here is a link to the Farmers Almanac Frost Chart for United States
- Check out when your last frost date is; In the Boise/Nampa Id area it ranges about the first week of October.
- Check the desired plants length to maturity, then subtract the required days from your frost date. (I would pad a week or two, just in case, unless you are using cold frames or other protection) Pretty Easy HUH?
Ways to Extend your growing season.
Example of Cold Frames: Here are a bunch of DIY links
DIY Cloches & Crop Covers.

How to Build a Greenhouse in 1 Hour
http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Build-a-Greenhouse-in-1-Hour/A Dash of Magick
Appalachian Folklore: (Thank you everyone for all the folklore shared on the web..there are to many of you to list! but our thanks is great)
The Weather
- After you hear the first fall cricket, it will be 6 weeks until frost.
- If squirrels gather nuts after sundown in October, it will be a hard winter.
- The first three days of each new quarter will determine the weather for that quarter. For example, the first three days of January will indicate the weather for January, February and March. The first three days of April will determine the weather in April, May and June. The first three days of July will determine July, August and September, and the first three days of October determines the weather for October, November and December. A quarter starts on the first day of the month following a solstice
- If the first week in August is uncommonly hot, the coming winter will be snowy and long.
- If the first frost hasn’t occurred before the full moon in October, then there won’t be a frost until the full moon in November.
- If you see a ring around the moon, and it has stars inside the ring, that will tell you how many days until there is a big storm.
- Gardens do better if seeds are planted on even-numbered days of the month.
- Crushing rosemary into a glass of wine will boost mental powers.
- Conduct most of your garden chores during the waxing of the moon. Light nights make light crops: never plant when the moon is full.
- All above-ground crops should be planted with the new moon.
- Root crops should be planted under the sign of Taurus for quicker growth.
- Planting on Friday is bad luck, unless the zodiac sign is right.
- It's good luck to steal herbs.
- Beans planted on dark nights will grow the best crops
- Onions should be planted in the old of the moon (that is waning to dark phase).
- If two people's hoes hit together, they will work in the same field next year.